Upcoming events.


Birth Ready Workshop

The next workshop will be around this date.

Typically this workshop is two days.

With this new workshop, you and your birth partner can look forward to:

🤝 Innovative hands on techniques to increase comfort and connection during labor
🔬 Knowledge of birthing positions and techniques to help labor progress smoothly and effectively.
👐 Techniques to prepare the pelvis for birth at every level 
😎 Total confidence going into birth with the wisdom of what to do, when and why.
And learn about how to navigate our medical system
And how to recovery efficiently after birth

… and much more

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Birth Ready Workshop (Day 2)

Day 2, we’re solidifying what you learned

Not only will you learn about creating space in the pelvis and understanding how to optimize that space for your baby, but we’ll be teaching you how to do this within a home and medical setting. We believe that when we learn about and practice positions, we prepare the body to be able to find them, intuitively. That way, the neural pathways are there, in the brain, and they can intuitively access them in birth!  AND that it’s important to know your options and how to communicate to have your preferences be heard.

We’ll be discussing:

  • How you actually progress in labour

  • When to go to the hospital + what to pack

  • Navigating conversations with your medical practitioners to ensure you’re being heard

  • Due dates, inductions and medical ‘pain’ relief - what options are available to you

  • Vaginal births, cesarean births and how to avoid birth interventions, and last but not least, 

  • Postpartum recovery

  • Adjusting to life with a newborn

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Birth Ready Workshop (Day 1)

Day 1, we’re setting the foundation

This workshop is designed to prepare you (and your birth partner) for what’s to come.  Y’all are already a great team but birth can be unpredictable so it’s great you’re here. And again, with this targeted, game-changing offering you’ll:

  • Understand what is your labour flow and how to get into it

  • Prepare all 3 levels of the pelvis for a smoother labour

  • Receive insider clues into where baby is in the body AND how to respond

  • Gain clarity + confidence about how YOUR body likes to move to open your pelvis.

  • Learn innovative hands-on techniques to increase comfort and connection with your partner during labor, beyond a traditional hip squeeze. 

  • Begin building neural pathways from your brain to your body so this all becomes second nature and intuitive to you

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How Are You Prepared: Postpartum Workshop

How Are You Prepared: Postpartum Workshop

The fourth trimester is about adjustment and healing. And part of your transformation is going to navigating this new version of you. Have you started to consider what life will look like once you're baby is here? That's what we're going to talk about during this workshop - an inner healing and adjustment that will inevitably happen. The question is, will you be prepared for it and be able to identify it or will it catch you off guard?

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A networking opportunity to meet a few local doulas to chat about doula care and how we support your vision. Bring your questions about how we can enhance your birthing and postpartum experience.

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How Are You Prepared: Birth Workshop

How Are You Prepared: Birth Workshop

This isn't your average birth prep class that goes over labour day logistics and what to pack in your birth bag. We're going beyond that to really look at your overall readiness for birth. We're taking inventory of our mental, emotional, spiritual & physical state and assessing if there is any more preparation we can do to be consciously and subconsciously ready for the big day.

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